Interesting web sites, publications, and quotes for the month of December (December 30, 2005)

This page is being phased out.

Note: any quotations on this page have been moved to Category: Interesting quotes.

Going, Going, Still There: Using the WebCite Service to Permanently Archive Cited Web Pages. Eysenbach G, Trudel M. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2005: 7(5); e60. [Full text]

UBC Clinical Significance Calculator. Schechter M, Department of Health Care and Epidemiology, University of British Columbia. Accessed on 2005-12-20.

[My comments] A simple method to calculate NNT and confidence limits.

3rd International Conference of Evidence-Based Health Care Teachers & Developers. Building bridges between research and teaching. GIMBE - Gruppo Italiano per la Medicina Basata sulle Evidenze. Accessed on 2005-12-13.

[Excerpt] Main Objective: To explore how the findings from current research into evidence based practice can be incorporated into the practice of teaching. Detailed Objectives: To explore existing knowledge and experience related to teaching EBHC; To define the current state of EBHC teaching and practice, including key achievements and deficiencies; To summarize existing published and unpublished research related to EBHC teaching and practice; To create opportunities for partnership in research and development of tools and strategies for EBHC teaching and knowledge transfer; To review recent changes in understanding of health care knowledge delivery. Process: Plenaries on experiences and research in EBHC teaching; "How to" workshops; Parallel small group work; Informal discussion group sessions on specific themes; Posters sessions (see call for abstracts).

John Snow - a historical giant in epidemiology. Frerichs RR, UCLA Department of Epidemiology. Accessed on 2005-12-13.

[Excerpt] This site is devoted to the life and times of Dr. John Snow (1813-1858), a legendary figure in the history of public health, epidemiology and anesthesiology.