Statistical Evidence. Chapter 1. Apples or oranges? Selection of the control group

1.0 Introduction

Almost all research involves comparison. Do women who take Tamoxifen have a lower rate of breast cancer recurrence than women who take a placebo? Do left handed people die at an earlier age than right handed people? Are men with severe vertex balding more likely to develop heart disease than men with no balding?

In each of these situations, you are making a comparison between a control group and a treatment/exposure group. I will use the terms treatment and exposure interchangably throughout this book, though I will reserve treatment for those conditions which represent an effort to produce a beneficial result and exposure to represent a condition that is, potentially harmful. You would call drinking water from a natural spring a treatment, but drinking water from a contaminated well an exposure. The distinction between treatment and exposure is not that critical though, and when I discuss a generic "treatment" in this book, feel free to substitute the word "exposure" and vice versa.

When you make such a comparison between a treatment group and a control group, you want a fair comparison. You want the control group to be identical to the treatment group in all respects, except for the treatment in question. You want an apples to apples comparison.

Covariate imbalance

Sometimes, however, you get an unfair comparison, an apples to oranges comparison. The control group differs on some important characteristics that might influence the outcome measure. This is known as covariate imbalance. Covariate imbalance is not an insurmountable problem, but it does make a study less authoritative.

Women who take oral contraceptives appear to have a higher risk of cervical cancer. But covariate imbalance might be producing an artificial rise in cancer rates for this group. Women who take oral contraceptives behave, as a group, differently than other women. For example, women who take oral contraceptives have a larger number of pap smears. This is probably because these women visit their doctors more regularly in order to get their prescriptions refilled and therefore have more opportunities to be offered a pap smear. This difference could lead to an increase in the number of detected cancer cases. Perhaps the other women have just as much cancer, but it is more likely to remain undetected.

There are many other variables that influence the development of cervical cancer: age of first intercourse, number of sexual partners, use of condoms, and smoking habits. If women who take oral contraceptives differ in any of these lifestyle factors, then that might also produce a difference in cervical cancer rates.*

Case Study: Vitamin C and Cancer

Paul Rosenbaum, in the first chapter of his book, Observational Studies, gives a fascinating example of an apples to oranges comparison. Ewan Cameron and Linus Pauling published an observational study of Vitamin C as a treatment for advanced cancer (Cameron 1976). For each patient, ten matched controls were selected with the same age, gender, cancer site, and histological tumor type. Patients receiving Vitamin C survived four times longer than the controls (p < 0.0001).

Cameron and Pauling minimize the lack of randomization. "Even though no formal process of randomization was carried out in the selection of our two groups, we believe that they come close to representing random subpopulations of the population of terminal cancer patients in the Vale of Leven Hospital."

Ten years later, the Mayo Clinic (Moertel, et al 1985) conducted a randomized experiment which showed no statistically significant effect of Vitamin C. Why did the Cameron and Pauling study differ from the Mayo study?

The first limitation of the Cameron and Pauling study was that all of their patients received Vitamin C and followed prospectively. The control group represented a retrospective chart review. You should be cautious about any comparison of prospective data to retrospective data.

But there was a more important issue. The treatment group represented patients newly diagnosed with terminal cancer. The control group was selected from death certificate records. So this was clearly an apples versus oranges comparison because the initial prognosis was worse in the control group than in the treatment group. As Paul Rosenbaum says so well: one can say with total confidence, without reservation or caveat, that the prognosis of the patient who is already dead is not good. (page 4)

The prognosis of a patient with a diagnosis of terminal cancer is also not good, but at least a few of these patients will be misdiagnosed. The ones in the control group, the ones that entered the study clutching their death certificates had no misdiagnosis.

Apples or oranges? What to look for.

When the treatment group is apples and the control group is oranges, you can't make a fair comparison. To ensure that the researchers made an apples to apples comparison, ask the following questions:

Did the authors use randomization? In some studies, the researchers control who gets the new therapy and who gets the standard (control) therapy. When the researchers have this level of control, they almost always will randomize the choice. This type of study, a randomized study, is a very effective and very simple way to prevent covariate imbalance.

If randomization was not done, how were the patients selected? Several alternative approaches are available when the researchers have control of treatment assignment, but minimization is the only credible alternative. When researchers do not have control over treatment assignments, you have an observational study. The three major observational studies, cohort designs, case-control designs, and historical controls, all have weaknesses, but may represent the best available approach that is practical and ethical.

Did the authors use matching to prevent covariate imbalance? Matching is a method for selecting subjects that ensures a similar set of patients for the control group. A crossover design represents the ideal form of matching because each subject serves as his or her own control. Stratification ensures that broad demographic groups are equally represented in the treatment and control group.

Did the authors use statistical adjustments to control for covariate imbalance? Covariate adjustment uses statistical methods to try to correct for any existing imbalance. This methods work well, but only on variables that can be measured easily and accurately.

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* The possibility that oral contraceptives causes an increase in the risk of cervical cancer is quite complex; a good summary of all the issues involved appears on the web at

Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License. It was written by Steve Simon on 2005-06-03, edited by Steve Simon, and was last modified on 2008-11-25. Send feedback to ssimon at cmh dot edu or click on the email link at the top of the page. Category: Statistical evidence