Steve, Cathy, and Nicholas -- Steve's running log: Plaza 10K (created 2015-09-14)

Plaza 10K. This is a timed race that I have participated in several times. It starts out on the Plaza near the Xian Warrior reproduction statue. It heads west along Ward Parkway and turns around (thankfully) before the big hill. Near the west end of the plaza, it turns on Jefferson and then heads east again on 47th Street. It passes the Nelson Atkins Museum and the shuttlecocks, and the famouns Gates statue nears Gates BBQ. It turns just before 71 highway and returns west on Brush Creek Boulevard. It passes the Stowers Institute for Medical Research and MRI Global before taking a short jog on Oak Street. It turns again on 51st Street, returns along Brookside Boulevard to Ward Parkways and finishes very close to the starting line.

The black circle represents the most recent run.

Map of Plaza 10K

  1. September 14, 2014, 1:16:54
  2. September 13, 2015, 1:19:31

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Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License. This page was written by Steve Simon and was last modified on 2017-06-15.