Steve, Cathy, and Nicholas -- Nicholas meets Greg Mortenson (created 2010-02-19)

On Thursday, December 17, 2009, Greg Mortenson came to town for a book signing. Nicholas has been a fan, having read the young reader's edition of Three Cups of Tea from cover to cover,

so I arranged to get tickets. We arrived late because of parking problems, but Nicholas sat and listened to more than 30 minutes of a talk/slide show that was really targeted towards adults. Books were being signed in the order in which tickets were issued and we were 1,167 out of 1,250. It was a school night but we thought we'd try to stick around for the hour or so that it would take. We took a break and went to Panera for a late dinner/midnight snack. We heard there, though, that Mr. Mortenson was letting kids get signatures first, so we rushed back. He autographed two copies of his newest book, Stones Into Schools.

One copy went to Nicholas's teacher, Mrs. Thurlow. Then Mr. Mortenson gave Nicholas a free signed copy of "Three Cups of Tea (Young Reader's Edition)" which we donated to the school library and "Listen to the Wind".

What a nice guy.

He even stopped and posed with Nicholas for this picture.

What now?

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Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License. This page was written by Steve Simon and was last modified on 2017-06-15.