Another short biography

Steve Simon


I am contributing a chapter to a book (proposed title: Randomized controlled trials in medical research – gold standard or unhealthy fixation) and the book editor wanted a brief biography that emphasized “any relevant teaching experience within Medicine or allied health sciences.” So I adapted an earlier short biography to put in some of my teaching experience. Here it is.

Stephen D. Simon received a Ph.D. in Statistics from the University of Iowa in 1982. He is a part-time faculty member in the Department of Biomedical and Health Informatics at the University of Missouri-Kansas City, where he teaches “Clinical Research Methods,” “Introduction to R,” and “Introduction to SAS.” He has over 90 peer-reviewed publications in a diverse range of medical specialties (Asthma/Allergy, Audiology, Behavioral Medicine, Cardiology, Dermatology, Emergency Medicine, Endocrinology, Genomics, Nephrology, Nursing, Oncology, Pediatrics, Pharmacy, Reproductive Medicine, Teratology, and Toxicology). Four of these publications have won major awards. He has written a book, Statistical Evidence in Medical Trials, which covers critical appraisal of the statistical issues in medical research publications. He is also is the author of a major website and blog about Statistics, Research Ethics, and Evidence Based Medicine (, One of his current research interests is using Bayesian models to forecast patient accrual in clinical trials.